Welcome to my speech pathology services!
Welcome to my speech pathology services!
Lydia Chua is registered with Speech Pathology Australia and is a bilingual Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (English and Chinese) with 25 yrs experience primarily in the area of pediatrics in both private practice and private early intervention systems.
Lydia specializes in the assessment and management of pre-school and primary/secondary school age children with a range of communication difficulties including: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Articulation Disorders/Phonology (unclear speech), Developmental Delays, Language Disorders/Delays, Learning Difficulties, Social Skills and Stuttering/dysfluency.
The practice is registered with Medicare,- EPC and Chronic Disease management plans ,private health funds and for NDIS self managed clients.
When I am not working , I m also a wife and a mother of a teenage son , balancing running my own business and personal commitments. In my spare time and leisure I love doing some cooking, going to the gym , having coffee , catching up with friends and colleagues, going to the markets , theatre/ movies and going for long walks outdoors. I enjoy meeting new people of different cultures and would love to do more baking , gardening and some travelling overseas in the future!
After graduating from City University , London in 1999 with a Bachelor of Honours is Speech Therapy, I have enjoyed working as a paediatric speech pathologist for over the past 25years. My qualification and work has taken me from the UK to different countries including Singapore and Malaysia in both the public and private settings .
In 2011 I moved permanently to Melbourne and started in a not-for-profit organisation , Little Parrots Speech Pathology, Melbourne Speech Language Services and now in my own private practice. I have practiced in clinics, homes, schools, and hospital environments. In my time in Australia thus far I have worked with various migrant families and many children with English as their second language.
Receptive Language Targets for Children Functioning at the Early Intervention 2 year old Developmental Level • Understands “Come here” and “Sit down” • Identifies several body parts • Follows one-step commands during play • Understands some early prepositions • Finds familiar objects not in sight • Chooses familiar objects from a group on request • Understands familiar action words • Attends to and identifies familiar pictures Expressive Language Targets for Children Functioning at the up to 24 Month Developmental Level • Imitates play sounds • Imitates words frequently and spontaneously • Adds words to build spontaneous vocabulary • Uses gestures to purposefully communicate • Names familiar objects • Uses true words within jargon • Sings independently • Asks to have some needs met • Uses a variety of consonant sounds • Asks, “What’s that?” • Asks for “more” • Uses single words frequently • Imitates short phrases • Uses new words regularly • Begins to use two-word phrases spontaneously